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Post-Report Feedback

Constructive feedback in reports can knock students' confidence. But there's an easy way to help students get back on track for improvement.

Reports are out and assessment results have been returned to students. Some of our cherubs take little notice of their report comments and grades but that’s not the case for everyone. Some students can be disappointed by their results or take report feedback to heart. But we have a way to help them through this challenging time using Teacher PD’s FREE Post-Report Feedback resource! There are plenty of benefits to taking the time to use this resource with your cherubs this week.

Post-report feedback improves student confidence

Constructive feedback on reports or assessment tasks can knock students’ confidence. But using the Post-Report Feedback resource can help to restore that self-belief! The feedback slip gives you the opportunity to write positive feedback about another aspect of your cherubs’ learning. By reminding students of what they are already good at, it softens the blow they may experience with constructive feedback. This, ultimately, helps them to feel more confident about improving in the areas you have suggested may need work.

It prevents a fear of feedback

When students receive negative or constructive feedback, they may view it as reprehensive. Therefore, they may avoid acknowledging and acting upon that feedback for fear of more poor feedback or negative consequences. By using the Post-Report Feedback resource, you can show your cherubs in a friendly way feedback is given to help and not hinder. Hopefully, using this resource will change their views on feedback and they will look forward to receiving your pointers in the future.

Post-report feedback keeps students accountable

While report comments may highlight areas in which students need to improve, it doesn’t always lead to action from students. By providing your cherubs with a Post-Report Feedback slip, you can make them more accountable for their own improvement. The slip will give them clear directions on how to improve in their learning and allow them to set goals. You may want to team up the Post-Report Feedback resource with Teacher PD’s free SMART Goal Template to help your students set an improvement goal.

It provides students with a clear path for improvement

Our report comments are, for the most part, written for the students’ parents. They are written using teaching terminology and jargon that our cherubs may not fully understand, potentially causing further anxiety. This is where the Post-Report Feedback slips come back into play. It provides an opportunity to give feedback to your students in a way they can understand. This can ultimately give students clear guidance on how they can achieve goals in areas for improvement and potentially sets them up for greater success.

We hope this resource helps your cherubs gain positive feedback following their reports which sets them on the path to improvement.


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